![Image illustrative de Wings](/images/1920_330/wings-banner.jpg)
![Image illustrative de Wings](/images/170_250/wings-poster.jpg)
The series Wings, could best be described as Cheers 2, as it followed much the same pattern as the other series did. The similarities are numerous, such as both being easy going character comedies and being produced by the same team (David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee). The main difference being the setting. ...
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Terminée | Américaine | 25 minutes |
Comédie, Comedy, Drama | NBC, Série Club | 1990 |
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2.13 -
Love Is Like Pulling Teeth
Love Is Like Pulling Teeth
Joe is torn,on one hand he promised to take care of Helen,who is gonna be layed up for the night after visiting the dentist.And on the hand he's missing the biggest College Basketball game of the year,when Providence plays Boston College.Joe soon finds out Helen's TV is in the shop,so he bundles up an unconscious Helen and takes her to his house and the party.She wanders off and everyone except Roy has to go looking for her. The next day Helen,tells Joe she knows what he did,and he's ready to take his medicine like a man but she tells him,she knows he missed the biggest game of the year to play nurse maid to her.
Diffusion originale : 10 janvier 1991
Diffusion française :
10 janvier 1991
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Noam Pitlik
Scénariste.s :
Dave Hackel
Guest.s :
Ace Mask
Patrick Massett